IRS Address & Phone Numbers

Filing Form...  Not enclosing a payment use this address... Enclosing a payment use this address...
1040 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Ogden, UT 84201-0002 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 802501 Cincinnati, OH 45280-2501
1040-ES N/A Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 802502 Cincinnati, OH 45280-2502
1040-ES (NR) N/A Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 1300 Charlotte, NC 28201-1300
1040-V N/A Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 802501 Cincinnati, OH 45280-2501
1040-X Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  Ogden, UT 84201-0052 Department of the Treasury  Internal Revenue Service  Ogden, UT 84201-0052
4868 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Ogden, UT 84201-0045 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 802503 Cincinnati, OH 45280-2503

IRS Phone Number - Call Wait Times

Filing Season (January - April)

Telephone service wait times can average 4 minutes. Some telephone service lines may have longer wait times.

Telephone service wait times are higher on Monday and Tuesday, during Presidents Day weekend and around the April tax filing deadline.

Post-Filing Season (May - December)

Telephone service wait times can average 11 minutes. Some telephone service lines may have longer wait times.

Telephone service wait times are generally higher on Monday and Tuesday.

Our help lines are open Monday through Friday.

Residents of Alaska and Hawaii should follow Pacific time.
Phone lines in Puerto Rico are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time.


7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Local Time


7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Local Time

Non-profit Taxes

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Local Time

Estate and Gift Taxes (Form 706/709)

8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time

Excise Taxes

8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time

Overseas Callers

Use our International Services page. 

Callers Who Are Hearing Impaired

TTY/TDD  800-829-4059

Interpretation Services

If you can't find the answers to your tax questions on, we can offer you help in more than 350 languages with the support of professional interpreters. For assistance in Spanish, call 800-829-1040. For all other languages, call 833-553-9895.

You will reach an IRS assistor who can:

1:- Provide an interpreter over the phone, or
2:- Schedule an appointment for you at one of our local Taxpayer Assistance Centers so you can get help face-to-face. Please note, our local offices provide assistance only on specific topics.

Requesting a Face-to-Face Meeting For Help

You can make an appointment at an IRS local office to get help. Appointment times vary by tax issues and office locations.
To help protect taxpayers and employees, the CDC COVID-19 Facility Access Tool is available for people to self-screen for symptoms. This tool is for optional use by IRS employees, taxpayers, tax professionals and others prior to entering an IRS facility. The IRS is committed to protecting against further spread of COVID-19, and we encourage people to use this self-screening tool prior to visiting IRS facilities.
You can find the office closest to you with our Taxpayer Assistance Locator tool. Once you find your local office, see what services are available. Then, call 844-545-5640 to schedule an appointment.
IRS offices are closed on federal holidays.